
School Bus Driver Injured in Vehicular Accident

A school bus driver suffered minor injuries to his face after being run off the road by a 20-ton coal truck. The bus was carrying high school students on their way to participate in a college science class. The bus driver was able to turn the bus and avoid the coal truck before it hit the bus. None of the students on the bus suffered an injury. They are calling the bus driver a hero.

One of the teachers on the bus says he was grateful to have an alert and experienced driver who knew what to do to avoid a potentially deadly accident. The bus driver received facial lacerations from shattered glass and was treated for these injuries by medical personnel. The bus driver swerved and landed in a ditch. The impact caused the windshield to crack.

Further investigation is needed to determine the exact cause of this accident. The coal truck may have been trying to pass the bus and miscalculated the bus’s speed. The coal truck crossed into the same lane as the bus and nearly caused a head-on collision. Mechanical error or medical emergency may be to blame which is why further investigation is needed.

The students were on their way to participate in a college science class as part of a dual enrollment program that offers college credit to high school students. The students were taken back to the school and were given the choice of remaining at the school or taking the rest of the day off. School officials and local law enforcement are currently working together to piece together all the details of the car accident. The student trip will probably be rescheduled for later in the school year.

Damage to the school bus is unknown at this time. A reporter who has seen these accidents in The Bronx and Westchester claims that the bus may be used as evidence if charges against the coal truck driver are filed. No charges have been filed at this time by the district attorney or the school district. Charges may be filed, however, if new evidence is discovered.

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