
Thousands allege discrimination by the USDA against black farmers

It seems like the world has evolved quite a bit since Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus, according to a New York Injury Lawyer, but thousands of farmers are claiming that discrimination based on skin color is alive and well in the US Department of Agriculture. 

As if it isn’t difficult enough to make a living as a farmer in this day and age, to be discriminated against and refused loans based on your race is ludicrous and it is time that people took a stand against it. Reports received by the New York Injury Lawyer state that thousands of farmers have been denied loans that would have, in many cases, saved their crops and kept their farms going. 

Sources told the New York Injury Lawyer that black farmers who have tried to get loans in the past were treated as though they had no right to even know about loans for farmers, and some of them lost their farms as a result. There have been loans given to black farmers in the past, but the list is long for those who have applied and been denied. 

The New York Injury Lawyer mentioned that the National Black Farmers Association is attempting to get farmers the money that they should have been given twenty years ago. For some farmers who were unable to sustain their crops due to economic difficulties, it is too late. In Manhattan and Westchester County, work injury is a common complaint heard in the courts.

The United States is still a young nation and we have much growing yet to do, but it stands to reason that if discrimination because of skin color is still being used as a determining factor of who gets a money settlement and who doesn’t, we have scarcely made it out of the womb.

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