
DUI crash cause critical situation

A Morgan Hill Police Sergeant told a reporter that a driver was seriously charged with a felony when the passenger in her car was injured in the car crash. The car got out of control and hit a tree when the passenger received the injuries.

The police reported that they went to the scene to investigate the accident. The media carried the story and it was learned that the young man was only 17 years old. The Police reported that the driver seemed to be intoxicated while driving.

The facts seemed to agree with the legal aspects of the situation and render this as an unfortunate incident for all who were involved. According to reports, the passenger in the vehicle became unconscious when the police arrived at the scene. It was apparent that he had visible signs of injuries to her face. A helicopter took the injured man to the hospital nearby and he was taken to the intensive care unit where he received treatment for this serious condition.

It seemed that the passenger received some head injuries as well and needed to be stabilized. Concerned relatives rushed to the hospital to be with their loved one. According to Police, the passenger may also have been intoxicated at the time that the crash took place. However, Police were unable to do a breathalyzer test on the passenger due to his injuries. The driver received injuries to her ankles and to her wrists and she, too was taken to the hospital after which she arrested on a DUI charge. Nassau and Suffolk counties are hard on these cases.

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