
FDA Warns Doctors and Patients about PPIs and Fracture Risks

The Food and Drug Administration recently warned health care workers and patients about a gas-reducing drug that could possible increase the risk of hip, wrist and spine fractures, said a New York Injury Lawyer.

The FDA is saying that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) will soon be changing its label with these additional risk warnings for patience taking the drug and physicians who prescribe it, explained a Lawyer.

The new label with this safety information is based on FDA’s review of several studies on patience who have been given larger doses of the drug and that have been taking it for more than a year. These patients had the highest risk for fracture according to the study and most were older than the age of 50.

Healthcare workers and doctors in Manhattan and Queens who prescribe proton pump inhibitors have been advised to consider these possibilities of fractures and to possibly prescribe lower doses to patients who are at higher risks.

He added that patients who are taking prescribed doses of PPIs should make it a point to comprehend how much a risk they are taking. The likelihood of fractures increases with long-term use of the drug and should be managed by a health care professional on a case-to-case basis according to the FDA’s report.

As a general rule, people who are taking the drug for heartburn should take it for no more than 14 days in a row and not take it for that period of time more than three times per year, a NY City Injury Lawyer concluded.

Left with an injury or severe side effect from a prescription without warning? New York Injury Attorneys can help! New York Injury Attorneys can argue your case and make sure you and your family are treated fairly.Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its NY Injury Lawyers, has convenient offices throughout the New York Metropolitan area including Queens, NY. Our Personal Injury Attorneys can provide you with advice to guide you through situations where an injury came about because of another’s negligence. Without a New York Injury Attorney you may lose your rights which may cost you a significant amount of money.

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