
Federal Government Involved in Bullying Case, Reports NYC Injury Lawyer

The U.S. Department of Education and the Hawaii public school system have come to an agreement regarding a complaint about bullying lodged by the parents of a high school student, sources tell a New York Injury Lawyer.

The parents of the teen girl were not sure why their daughter would never want to go to school. When she did go, she was always late to class, according to calls from the office. The parents said their daughter was harassed for some time until she broke down and finally told them just what had happened to her.

“She started to wake up crying in the middle of the night and then she confided they were threatening her. They said watch your back,” the mother told a New York Injury Lawyer. “They were saying things like ‘haole cockroaches can’t use these stairs.’ They were physically threatening her, taunting her about her appearance,” said the father to a New York Injury Lawyer.

Attempts to solve the problem with the school and with the district got no results, so the parents took their complaint to the U.S. Department of Education. Thanks to actions by the U.S. DOE, the staff and administrators of the high school will begin sexual and racial harassment training to learn ways to deal with harassment and complaints and identify problems.

“The training and notice are intended to make sure the department of education policy is no sexual harassment, no racial harassment. It is not acceptable and we are taking this seriously,” a Hawaii school superintendent told a New York Injury Attorney.

Have you or a loved one been the target of discrimination? A New York Injury Attorney is ready to assist you. You don’t have to suffer such treatment. A New York Injury Attorney can represent your interests and bring your case to its best possible resolution

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