
Former principal denied $3 million in lawsuit

A 67-year old woman and former school principal, who was severely injured while shopping for homes, recently lost her fight with a jury to receive $3 million in a lawsuit against a homeowner and a realtor, reports a N York Injury Lawyer.

While the senior citizen was touring a home she fell through an attic of a ranch-style home down to the hard, kitchen floor breaking her pelvis, losing consciousness, cracking her rib, injuring her knee and fracturing parts of the vertebrae in her back.

She said that she sued because she was unable to walk for three months, lost her job for missing too much work, and incurred very high medical bills all because of the fall. She claims that the house was not properly inspected for potential buyers and was dangerous to walk through.

The homeowner and realtor contested that she walked upstairs to look at the “bonus room” in the attic and further investigated to look at the air conditioning unit. Right near that unit is where she fell through. There was apparently a portion of the floor that was uncovered and in the jury’s opinion, as well as the homeowner’s and realtor’s opinions, it should have been obvious to the woman that it was dangerous there.

The woman’s attorneys tried to sue the defendants for $3 million for medical expenses, economic damages and pain and suffering but the evidence wasn’t enough, according to NYC Injury lawyers. The defendant’s lawyers were unavailable for comment but some speculate there will be an appeal.

Incurring injuries due to negligence or situations out of your control can be difficult to prove. New York Injury Attorneys are here to help and argue your side. New York Injury Attorneys will look at all evidence and do our best to make sure you are compensated fairly.

Incurring injuries due to negligence or situations out of your control can be difficult to prove. New York Injury Attorneys are here to help and argue your side. New York Injury Attorneys will look at all evidence and do our best to make sure you are compensated fairly.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its NY Injury Lawyers, has convenient offices throughout the New York Metropolitan area including Turtle Bay, NY. Our Personal Injury Attorneys can provide you with advice to guide you through situations where an injury resulted because of another’s negligence. Without a New York Injury Attorney you may lose your rights which may cost you a significant amount of money.

Please know that In addition to Injury Law Stephen Bilkis and Associates will recommend Criminal Lawyers who will help you.

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