
Is the $4 Million Verdict Against Walmart Enough? A NewYork Injury Lawyer says no

A jury recently came back with a verdict against Wal Mart in the amount of a $4 million It was awarded to a female plaintiff who suffered a life altering injury, after a manufacturer’s defect in her tire’s tread pulled apart. The damaged to the tire made her car crash while she was behind the wheel. As a result of the accident she suffered an injury paralyzing her.

There was a recall on defective tire in 02, but Wal Mart, which had serviced the vehicle numerous times over the years after the 2002 recall, failed either to check for the recall or to notify her. Therefore, the woman never knew about this potential hazard. Wal Mart claims that unless tires are bought from them, they do not check nor notify customers of recalls. Furthermore, their lawyers argued that the mechanics and repairman did not have the training to inspect tires. Obviously, the jury didn’t believe this false representation and decided that Wal Mart had both a duty and responsibility to look at the tires and let her know about the condition of the tires.That is why the verdict came down in her favor. Her lawyer’s argument that the Fortune 500 corporation was responsibile only to inspect the car and did not include inspecting tires and looking up recalls. was not believed.

A New York injury lawyer believes that Walmart should not only be found guilty but there should have been additional damages awarded to the plaintiff. There should have been punitive damges to stop Walmart from taking the easy way. They serviced this car 9 times and they are saying they had no responsility to look at the tires. That’s rediculous. If this case was in New York and a New York injury Attorney was trying this Wal Mart very well may have had to pay punitive damages well in excess of the $4 million.


Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its injury lawyers, has convenient locations throughout the New York Metropolitan area including Levittown, Nassau County. Our attorneys can provide you with personal injury legal advice caused by someone else’s negligence. Without an attorney you will not know all your rights and may not be properly protecting you and your loved ones. Injury Law cases sometimes will have an element of criminality involved. If you need a Criminal Lawyer as well, allow us to provide one for you.

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