
Know Your Workers Rights in NYC Construction Site Injuries and hire an NewYork accident Lawyer

Construction is one of the largest industries in the United States, employing over six million people nationwide, and is a vital part of our economy. However, being a construction worker is also one of the most dangerous occupations, with over 8,000 people killed on jobsites every year and thousands more injured.

The reason construction is such a dangerous occupation is obvious: Sites where buildings are under construction can be very dangerous. Although state and federal regulators have passed rules intended to make construction sites safer, there are any number of ways for construction workers to be killed or injured:

* Excavations can cave in;

* Workers can fall off scaffolding and ladders;

* Tools can be used improperly or can fail;

* Cranes can drop loads on workers’ heads; and

* Exposure to loud machinery can result in hearing loss.

Unfortunately, suits involving injured construction workers are often more difficult to handle than other kinds of injury cases. An injury or death at a construction site involves the acts of many workers employed by different companies, each of whom is pointing at someone else as the party responsible. The question of liability can turn on whether a party is the property owner, the general contractor, the subcontractor, or someone else. Because of these complexities, it is vital to have a lawyer involved in a construction injury case as early as possible.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates, with convenient locations throughout the New York Metropolitan area, including Manhattan, NewYork City can provide you advice relative to accidents and personal injury on a construction site. Without an attorney, you may not be protecting you and your loved ones or know all your rights.

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