
Napa Woman Wins Malpractice Suit

A woman living in Napa has won her malpractice suit against a surgeon, says a rep. The woman sued the surgeon who removed her gallbladder two years earlier and who had a mishap while in surgery. The resulting mishap led her to have to have more surgeries and suffer through more pain as a result.

The woman was rushed to an ER after she had severe abdominal pain. Once doctors saw her, they decided to remove her gallbladder because it contained a gallstone and thickened walls. A board certified doctor was scheduled to perform the surgery, according to the report. When the doctor was removing her gallbladder, he mistakenly cut a duct that is in the abdomen, next to the gallbladder. Since the duct was cut, that needed to be repaired as well. Then the woman also had to have more surgeries to correct problems that stemmed from the duct incident.

Hospitals in New York City and in Queens try to prevent this from happening.

A source stated that the woman was awarded $250,000 total. That award included money for past medical expenses associated with other surgeries and then an amount for her pain and suffering. The woman also had to miss work and get help to care for her four young children while she was recovering and getting more medical treatment. The woman has now recovered but her lawyer says her recovery would have been much shorter if the surgeon had not made the mistake in the first place.

A New York Injury Attorney will be able to assist you or a family member if you have had an injury. Consult a New York Injury Attorney if you think you have a case that could be tried in court. Any New York Injury Attorney can consult with you on matters relating to a case.

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