
New Seating Airline Seating Policies for Children Raise New Questions, Reports New York Injury Lawyer

New York Injury Lawyer It’s been a quiet change, but certain airlines in Europe and Asia have stopped seating unaccompanied minors next to adults, due to some incidents of reported sexual abuse. Unfortunately, this policy may lead to children becoming injured in an online emergency, sources tell New York Injury Lawyers.

Millions of children fly without an adult every year and the number is growing, with the growing numbers of families split apart by divorce or long-distance jobs. There have been a great many lawsuits due to the seating of children on airplanes, especially in the United States, but airlines have yet to implement a plan or policy to deal with these problems.

One major case happened on an Air France flight, in which the cabin was suddenly depressurized, and two children were unable to reach their oxygen masks. The children, an 8-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl, were seated in separate window seats and crying, until a flight attendant was able to help them put their masks on.

A passenger, who was the grandfather of three children, told a New York Injury Lawyer his recollection of the flight. He said he could still hear the screams. “Imagine their terror and distress. They needed someone to be with them.” Air France has confirmed the details of the incident and now unaccompanied children aged 5 to 12 are put into a row of their own.

A spokeswoman for Air France says the seating policy was changed about a year ago, because of complaints of “inappropriate touching” of children during long flights. She also said it was a “very, very small number” out of the approximately 400,000 unaccompanied minors that flew on Air France every year.

Children especially need a voice to speak up for them when someone harms them, which is why retaining a New York Injury Attorney is so important. The adults in a child’s life should only provide the best they can, which is why a New York Injury Attorney is so vital when you need court presentation for any children in your life.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its New York Injury Lawyers, has convenient locations throughout the New York Metropolitan area including Morrisania, NY. Our New York Injury Lawyers can provide you with advice to guide you through situations where an injury resulted because of another’s negligence. Without a New York Injury Lawyer you may lose your rights which may cost you a significant amount of money.

At Stephen Bilkis and Associates we have our New York Criminal Lawyers ready to assist you in an Injury Law case. That lawyer has all the tools to help you get what you deserve.

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