
NY Railroad/Vehicle Accidents Cause Personal Injury and Deaths. Find out the Facts from a New York Imjury Lawyer


* On average, there is a train collision or derailment every two hours.

* A train carrying hazardous materials derails about every two weeks.

* More than one-half of accidents involving trains occur at unprotected crossings.

* The federal government says that 80% of all railroad crossings have inadequate warning devices.

* It takes a train traveling at 55 mph a mile to stop after the emergency brakes are applied.

and when a car or small truck is involved, personal injuriesand fatalities occur.

If you have had an personal injury accident that involves you and railroad, New York City Attorney Stephen Bilkis says that it is important you know your rights–and are protected at every turn after the accident: with the insurance company, with the railway, and any possible legal action.

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