
Pollution Killing Small Town

A town is desperate for work. People from all walks of life pray daily that someone, somewhere will show up and simply give them an opportunity to work. They want to get up at dawn and return at dusk, happy to know they put in an honest day’s labor. Which is why they were happy when the plant first showed up. Their prayers had been answered and there was money and work and food and happiness for everyone.

But, be careful what you wish for.

The sickness started a few years later. Children were developing unusually high rates of asthma, said a New York City Injury Lawyer. And then there was the cancer. For one family, it was a terrible dream, a nightmare, repeating itself. They had fled one town 15 years ago because of concerns over pollution and now they were haunted again by the same scenario, reports a New York Injury Lawyer. Their little girl was growing sick and they knew the cause: the local gas drilling plant was polluting the soil. The pollution was leaking into the ground, contaminating it, and making the school – the local school! – an unsafe place for children to walk, run, play, eat, sleep, breath, and drink. One half mile away, that’s how close it was to the school, notes a New York Injury Lawyer. With more drilling stations being placed all over town, right next to people’s homes and places of business. Death was literally all around.

And now, maybe again, that family is going to have to pack up and move. Just so they can live.

If you have been the victim of injury, you have rights that deserve to be protected. Contact a New York Injury Attorney today.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its New York Injury Lawyers, has convenient locations throughout the New York Metropolitan area including Brooklyn, NY. Our New York Injury Lawyers can provide you with advice to guide you through situations where an injury resulted because of another’s negligence. Without a New York Injury Lawyer you may lose your rights which may cost you a significant amount of money.

At Stephen Bilkis and Associates we have our New York Criminal Lawyers ready to assist you in an Injury Law case. That lawyer has all the tools to help you get what you deserve.

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