
Woman in Golf Lawsuit Awarded Damages

A local championship golfer was granted $15,000 in damages, indicated reports form a New York City Injury Lawyer. The woman was said to have suffered discrimination at a golf course owned by the town.

The woman was actually wanting $500,000, to close the case, but she settled for the smaller amount.

The sum will be paid by the local town. The city will also pay a portion of the legal fees as well as their own. The town apparently spent a good deal of money defending itself in this case, although the town’s insurer is expected to cover the costs.

The town apparently tried to negotiate with the woman over and over before it became a federal case and the woman would not settle. She claimed to be entitled to more money and would not settle until she got it. In the end she settled anyway.

The woman claims that the town discriminated against her when she was not allowed to play alongside her father in a men’s tournament at a golf course that is owned by the town. The woman actually lives in nearby but owns property in the town and plays with her single digit handicap there.

Public golf courses in Massachusetts are not required to have mixed gender tournaments according to the District Court. The woman’s lawsuit was not the first of it’s kind however. According to a New York City Personal Injury Lawyer, the court had found in favor of women who said they were treated differently than men in play at private golf clubs as well as country clubs. A decision was made last year to expand the decision to publicly owned golf courses too.

The golf course denies that the woman was discriminated because of her gender and repeatedly tried to settle the case, but the woman would not allow it. So the question went from whether she was actually discriminated against to how much the damages should be. The town originally offered much more than the $15,000 settlement.

Whehter you have been a victim of premises liability, or have been injured in a auto accident, or a motorcycle accident, it is important to consult with legal counsel right away. You could be entitled to compensation for your injuries. It is important not to delay however, the early you consult with qualified legal counsel, the better your chances for a postive outcome.

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