
Mother of DUI Victim Pleads Her Case in San Antonio, Texas

A tradition of San Antonio, Texas, is Fiesta, in which there is much consuming of alcoholic beverages. One Texas mother pleads for a bit of responsibility from revelers, however, requesting they think about what they’re going to do after drinking. Her daughter was killed by a drunk driver and she is very intent on seeing it does not happen to anyone else.

It might seem like plain common sense to make plans of what to do after drinking, like how to get home or where to sleep it off, but very few people actually ever do so.

In the San Antonio area, there were 5,769 arrests for drunk driving in 2010, which included 2,870 wrecks, and 55 deaths.

Due to Fiesta, April is a high point of drunk driving related deaths. It is difficult to create a direct link to official Fiesta events and actual crashes, but April is a month that sees a significant increase in fatal crashes in the San Antonio vicinity.

Reporters told New York Injury Lawyers that 10 people were killed in drunken driving incidents in April of 2008 and 10 more in April of 2009. There was only one less death in April 2010.

The mother pleading for some responsibility lost her daughter to just such an accident. Her 19-year-old daughter, a rising rodeo star, was killed in an auto accident with a drunk driver. The woman driving the SUV that struck the 19-year-old woman’s vehicle was driving on the wrong side of the road.

The 19-year-old woman was killed instantly and three friends in her truck were critically injured. She was buried a week before her 20th birthday.

The mother of the victim has no harsh words for the woman who caused the accident, who was a mother herself, with three children. “The drunk driver was killed as well, so we never got to hear her side of the story,” she told a Staten Island Personal Injury Lawyer. “All we know is she had some issues in her life to deal with. She chose to deal with those issues with alcohol, and she chose to get behind the wheel.”

These types of accidents leave scars that will take a lifetime to heal, if ever. Remember that if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident because of the negligence of another, you are entitled to just compensation for your injuries including medical expenses, and lost income from work. Be sure however, to act promptly. The sooner you contact counsel after your accident, the better your chances for a positive outcome.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to the actions or negligence of another, Stephen Bilkis and Associates is ready to assist. Your case is important and it should be given the utmost care. Contact our office for valuable legal advice and a free consultation.

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