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For now, at least, the behavior of Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre is not a legal issue, but something for the NFL commissioner to mull over, according to a New York Injury Lawyer.

The league is investigating whether or not Favre acted inappropriately toward a Jets employee while he was with the New York Jets in 2008. NY Injury Attorneys point out that there are a number of criteria that must be met for something to qualify as sexual harassment. For instance, there are no laws against texting or emailing sexually explicit photos.

“Because Mr. Favre was not this woman’s employer, it might be a situation with the Jets. The team has responsibilities to its other employees,” said an attorney in the matter to a NYC Injury Lawyer. “Right now, they’re just investigating what was said, and it’s not sexual harassment if the (conduct) was welcome.”

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Our roadways are in a constant state of flux, just ask any NY Car Accident Lawyer. Every month new, young drivers, full of possibility and excitement for their commuter futures, line up to receive their drivers license, to be turned loose upon the highways, hopefully with enough training to keep from hurting themselves or others.

According to reports by a New York Injury Lawyer, however, the enthusiasm that a new driver may be feeling is often accompanied by nervousness and their lack of experience behind the wheel could be the major cause of traffic accidents, since they lack the competence to see all potential situations and to effectively deal with them.

Of course, a little fender bender is no big deal, for the most part. It might upset a young drivers parents and it might do a bit of damage, resulting in nothing more than an insurance claim, says the New York Auto Accident Lawyer. Unfortunately, the oversight is not always a small one, and serious accidents and even death can occur.

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Most of us consider ourselves to be good people. We like ourselves and we imagine that the things that we do, we do for the benefit of other people. Most of us would be wrong in that assumption, however, as Americans have proven again and again to be selfish, self absorbed and for the most part, narcissistic in many ways, according to one NYC Auto Accident Lawyer. When the big stuff hits the fan, true character emerges.

It can be surprising to see the level of denial that some people will take when being faced with a challenging situation. One New York Injury Lawyer went so far as to allude that desperation, such as during crisis situations, reveals the soul of a person for all to see. People who continuously deny responsibility are not seeing the big picture. We are each intimately responsible for our role in what occurs in our lives.

A real hero understands this fact, according to a NY Car Accident Lawyer who has seen the best and worst of people in times of crisis. A true hero is willing to put themselves on the line for the safety and the good of others. For example a police officer who dies in an accident while trying to get to the scene has put his life on the line for his job, but also for the safety of others.

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A New York City Injury Lawyer sees all kinds of interesting cases come through the door. Accidents of all kinds are a part of life, and sorting them out is a great way to make a living. Many accidents happen on rural roads even though they are much less populated than urban roads. Rural roads are often dark and small, have lots of hills and windy bends and curves. They do not have bright overhead lights shining down to illuminate your way. You see by the light of the headlights and the moon.

A New York Car Accident Lawyer adds that many people do not decrease their speeds when traveling through a rural area, and it is this excessive speed that causes their initial loss of control of the car. Once that happens, the chain reaction is begun and all you can do is, well, hope. Rural roads account for many deaths each year, both here and in the UK, where jst last week a man died in a two car crash on a rural road. the accident aparently forced him into a heart attack, which paramedics could not revive him from once they had him freed from the vehicle.

Sometimes wildlife are to blame for the injuries and accidents on rural roads, moreso than in the city. One New York Injury Lawyer insists that the animals get larger the farther away from the city that you get, and large deer and even cows or bulls are not out of the question. They show up in the middle of the road, and a driver has few options. The busy city sees more concrete impedements, like stalled cars UPS delivery trucks. Farm equipment is also a cause for accident on rural roads, as such large machinery travels slowly and has been the cause of accidents.

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A town is desperate for work. People from all walks of life pray daily that someone, somewhere will show up and simply give them an opportunity to work. They want to get up at dawn and return at dusk, happy to know they put in an honest day’s labor. Which is why they were happy when the plant first showed up. Their prayers had been answered and there was money and work and food and happiness for everyone.

But, be careful what you wish for.

The sickness started a few years later. Children were developing unusually high rates of asthma, said a New York City Injury Lawyer. And then there was the cancer. For one family, it was a terrible dream, a nightmare, repeating itself. They had fled one town 15 years ago because of concerns over pollution and now they were haunted again by the same scenario, reports a New York Injury Lawyer. Their little girl was growing sick and they knew the cause: the local gas drilling plant was polluting the soil. The pollution was leaking into the ground, contaminating it, and making the school – the local school! – an unsafe place for children to walk, run, play, eat, sleep, breath, and drink. One half mile away, that’s how close it was to the school, notes a New York Injury Lawyer. With more drilling stations being placed all over town, right next to people’s homes and places of business. Death was literally all around.

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So young and full of promise. And the good news is he is still alive. The bad news? His parents are not. A young boy, hopeful and happy and joyful and as so many said of him, a wonderful soul to be around, is now without parents, said a New York Injury Attorney. His mom and dad, the two people put on this earth to protect and love him and care for him, to feed him and clothe him, to make sure that when he cries at night he is not alone, have been ripped from him. Torn away from his breast, never again to return, all because of an accident, notes a NY Car Accident Lawyer. And worst of all: there are not one, but three boys. Three boys, now forever marked with as “orphans.”

Their father was already dead. Tragically, he was taken from them earlier this year after a long and painful battle with cancer. All they had left was their mother. And now she too is gone. Never again will she walk this mortal coil, all because of her car, reports a New York Injury Lawyer. She was driving down the highway, proceeding cautiously because of the icy conditions, when suddenly she was no longer driving but sliding. Sliding out of control, her car picking up momentum as it lost direction, and then it stopped. It stopped because he was slammed into by a truck, said a New York Car Accident Lawyer. A truck that had also been out of control.

The family will look after the boys. Compensation will be sought. But their mother will never return.

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Location, location, location. With property, it always comes down to where you are buying. And natural gas companies are learning this lesson time and time again, says a New York Injury Lawyer. Setting up a new rig in the South is no big deal. The people there are used to oil and natural gas drilling and most all of the welcome the prospect, notes a Personal Injury Lawyer. It creates jobs and most everyone who lets the company use their property almost always finds themselves far more wealthy because of it. It is a historical way of life for one generation after another.

But up North? Things are different in the North. States in the North East find themselves occupied by a different sort of person. Where there is gratitude down South, there are law suits up North, says a New York City Injury Lawyer. People are more concerned, it appears, about pollution and protecting their children. Or, maybe it’s just because their economy in general is better and they can afford to not take the oil and natural gas money. Every property owner has a different reason, but it has become a new way of doing business for the oil and natural gas industry: down South, you’ll make money; up North, you’ll make law suits, reports a New York Injury Lawyer.

But, wherever these plants open they tend to make folks rich, notes a New York Injury Lawyer. Dirt poor families wake up the next day with more money than they know how to spend. It just depends on your location, that’s all.

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Smoking kills. Smoking is dangerous. You should not smoke. It is bad for you. Do not sell cigarettes to children. This has been the non-stop mantra of anti-smoking activists for decades now. Everyone knows it, notes a NY Injury Lawyer. There is no secret anymore. The tobacco companies have all paid up, making restitution for past sins, and the world has moved on. People know smoking will kill them but they do so anyways, for whatever reasons they choose.

But this isn’t enough. No, now these nanny state do gooders want to take it another step further. They want to pass a law requiring all packages of smokes to feature grotesque pictures of dead babies, blackened lungs, and dying babies, says a New York Injury Lawyer. Already, packages of smokes carry warning labels that flat say YOU WILL DIE IF YOU USE THIS PRODUCT! But, that isn’t enough. It’s never enough. They must fight until no one is ever allowed to use a product they simply don’t like. They have decided, they have said they know what is best, and they will not stop until everyone agrees with their line of thinking.

The warnings wouldn’t be simple either, of course not, notes a New York Injury Attorney. No, instead they will be so big and grotesque that they will likely take up an entire side of a package, reports a New York Injury Lawyer. Imagine having a product and not even being able to control what it looks like? That is the future they demand.

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Driving. A cathartic activity for most. An activity that carried with it potential danger but a danger that most of us manage to avoid in our lives. And on one particular day that horror that followed from a simple driving mistake is almost unimaginable, says a New York Injury Lawyer. A terrible chain reaction lead to the eventual death of a man. What happened is this: a man was driving his car while his girlfriend sat in the passengers seat. Somehow, and no one is exactly sure how but they know it happened, his car stalled. He was unable to turn the wheel yet the car continued forward. It was then that he first his another car, notes a New York Injury Lawyer. This was the first link in the chain.

What happened next was a haunting terror that follows the man to this very day. A massive truck carrying fuel came barreling down towards him, with just a few seconds and feet separating the two from death. The trucker veered off to the side, to avoid hitting the man’s stalled car, reports a New York Injury Attorney. Witnesses say the truck driver surely saved lives with his action. But he did not save his own. His truck flipped, spilling fuel everywhere, and then a huge explosion followed. The trucker was trapped in his truck as he literally began to burn alive, says a New York Injury Lawyer. The smell of flesh was everywhere. The trucked escaped but it was too little too late and he died at the hospital.

A day that started like every other, ending like no other.

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They were forced to eat rotten food and stale bread. Spoiled milk was on the menu for one couple, who were celebrating their honeymoon, says a New York Injury Lawyer. A young couple, deeply in love, hoping to begin the rest of their lives, now forced to survive on rotten milk and aged turkey sandwiches. They had their choice between fruit that had gone bad or fruit that was not yet good, noted a New York Injury Lawyer. They all lived in fear of eating anything because they just didn’t know what it was. The poor honey mooning couple had to clean out their own toilet because the over powering stench of fecal matter was so bad they could not sleep, says a NYC Injury Lawyer. Yes, they spent their honey moon sleeping next to human waste.

Some passengers on the cruise ship that was stranded in the middle of the ocean tried their best to make a bad situation good, pretending they were camping by sleeping on the deck at night, notes a New York City Injury Lawyer. But that was little comfort when word came that one of the rescue boats had broken down. Another tragic event for those trapped. And even once they eventually would get to shore, if they ever did, there was more bad news: the cruise ship company was desperately trying to find hotels and plane tickets for everyone on board. And that was proving to be difficult. But, there was some light at the end of the tunnel: the bar finally opened.

If you have been the victim of personal injury, like the one described or otherwise, contact a New York Injury Attorney today.

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